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Ksomp @ksomp

Hey, I am 20 years old and honestly I just need some help with the current situation regarding lock down. We are going to be going into it soon and I’m really scared for myself. I’m so depressed and I feel like this is going to be the end of me. If you wanna talk about it comment! I need some friends!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @banisinghvasir
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @banisinghvasir

Bani Singh @banisinghvasir

Hey there, I know it can be scary. We’re in lockdown too. Those feelings really get to you, for sure. I think the first week of hearing about it, I self-isolated to stay safe, and it was a very difficult week. Everything felt joy-less and purpose-less. Now that our official lockdown has started from today, I’m a little better. I took a week or two to cope and feel better. Even now I wouldn’t say I’m at my best, but I’m getting on with life. Trying to get into a little rhythm and schedule, hoping for a brighter future. Let me know if I can help you with anything!

Nora @nora

First of all I’m glad that u used this opportunity to get help. 
I would like to talk about it and become ur friend. ^^
If u wanna switch to another app like Twitter or Instagram, I’ll also do that. 
I hope I can make u feel better and less lonely! :)

Therealifecoach @therealifecoach

Do not worry :)My name is Michael, and I am a Realife Coach, i.e I help people solve real-life problems and CURE emotional dis-eases (like your depression) on a daily basis. I know it seems dark and difficult now, but trust me when I say, the light is literally right around the corner. :) The anti-dote for your immediate depression is within the guide I have included below.Follow the guide and upon experiencing Inner-Peace, you will not feel depressed. Next, begin to alternate that peace with the thoughts you have about lockdown while CHECKING to see if those thoughts are based on hard FACTS or are based on pure hearsay(The News).You GOT THIS :) Return to peace and you will realize a whole world of difference :)At, I have written a short guide to Inner-Peace. You can leave your questions as comments on the last page if you have any difficulties with finding your own way, and there are more instructions therein if you require additional help or if you would like to participate in the group coaching call today at 5PM Est. @therealifecoach on Instagram. (p.s. I regularly go live on Instagram with people that would like to share their story and receive free guidance as to how to cure oneself of whatever problem or dis-ease they are suffering. All you have to do is send me a message on Instagram and we can tackle this directly.)Wishing you the very best :)


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