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3am ThoughtsThought


Hey everyone, I just wanted to ask that if a . Guy sees you daily without knowing you nd waits to see you to your way back home,
Does this. Mean that he is interested in you???

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fugitive
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @fugitive

Gurpreet Singh @fugitive

Or he could be a psychologically stalker (just an opinion)


If I consider this that guy wouldn’t make a eye contact with me on daily basis

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fugitive

Gurpreet Singh @fugitive

Well, if you’re interested in him probably should go and talk to him?

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

Do you like him stalking you


I still don’t know that but still it bothers me daily I see him and we make a eye contact unintentionally

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

If you make an eye contact with him you must get any sought of feelings weather it’s good r not


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