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Mental WellbeingThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Hello there!! I hope everyone’s doing good. By the way I hope everyone will have a great and peaceful year ahead. Well I am here become I am not okay… Well actually I have never been this worse. So the thing is that I am completely broken and I can feel the constant pain in my chest which is Of course not due to heart issues lol broken humour too😅 so I’ve been badly hurt by the guy I love the most so much that I can happily give my everything to him and this is not the first time it’s just that I can’t take it anymore I feel trapped by my feelings but I do have one question… Why… Why me I never ever harmed anybody I never thought bad even for my haters then why me you know from childhood itself I used to read books and novel and I really believed in goodness I really believed in love but it showed me the ugliest pic of life. You know what it’s all about sex and looks. Sorry but maybe for others it’s beautiful but for me now the word love gives only scar l. The guy I always thought will protect me from the world the guy to whom I tried to show my vulnerability the guy who I thought was my buddy said to me that oh you know what you are in the phase where guys will only come to you for sex you’re not for love coz you don’t got that looks. He said I was a bloody investment to him. He joked about my pcod. For him I am easily Replaceable. It’s not like I didn’t try to leave him but everytime I try he comes with a sorry and fake words to change but this time I don’t have that energy left you know I feel like some part of me has died. I am grieving for my heart as it went through a lot though it deserved nothing but happiness. I am so alone I don’t know what to do I just cry and sleep and there’s that fool enjoying with others. I still love him and I want him to be happy and healthy but i want to be happy too and I’m trying but it’s hard it’s so hard I want to free myself from this toxic cycle I want to answer his each and every hurt I don’t want to see his face again but my feelings I don’t know what to do with it. Also his fake promises makes me more weak I can’t cut him off coz he won’t let me. Plus I am scared too what if he’ll be happy with someone else and I will be sad and lonely. I know it’s kinda dumb but you know what I’m not in my right mind. I am kind of desperate to not feel this way I want to completely move on. Thank you for hearing me out. I guess I wrote too much 😅. Hope you guys have a great day ahead.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shynee_13
Profile picture for Now&Me member @bunnytarun
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shynee_13

Shynee @shynee_13

Heyy. Whoever you are. Please text me personally. I really need to talk to you. It’s the same issue i suffered. I can surely help you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bunnytarun

Bunny @bunnytarun

Hey Anonymous
There’s nothing wrong In what you feel
I can understand what you’re going through
But as a fellow human, I can tell you that you don’t deserve someone who’s trying to exploit you whenever they want.
There are lots of good humans around you
But if you can’t let those connections with the wrong ones go away
You won’t be able to explore and take a chance of someone entering your life who values you every second
Who treats you as a fellow human with same feelings as the others have
Who respects you and admire you
Life isn’t a single chapter, it’s a huge book
If you can’t finish your current chapter you’ll never know what’s in there in the next

Just try to put you and your happiness first coz no one can do it for you

You can message me at anytime if you wanna talk your heart out

All the best mate

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AGirlHasNoName @agirlhasno...

Hi Anonymous, I am sorry that you are going through this.
It’s time for you to let him go now, seriously. No falling for his fake words or promises, your heart doesn’t deserve this, you don’t deserve this! You are a beautiful person, inside-out and you are kind and loving. You are your person! So wholesome that you need no man treating you like shit. This is the time to love yourself the most, prioritize yourself, let go of the pain and every part of him that hurts your body. Let it go, anonymous. He isn’t worth it. Surround yourself with people who love you, who adore you for you and most importantly care for you. It will take time but won’t work unless you don’t truly try. Life’s too short, go out, have fun, socialize, make yourself happy. Because you my friend, are worthy of it all.


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