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Social AnxietyThought

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So I texted this guy a few times on instagram but he left me on liked twice. I feel like he doesn’t really want to text me but I really want to text him!! I’m thinking of maybe sending him a post with a frog bc he really likes them but I’m not sure. I don’t like him I just want to have new friends :( I have social anxiety and I’m trying to challenge myself by texting people but I always end up left on seen and I get really sad. I want to go out of my comfort zone but the feelings I feel afterwards are going to kill me. Anyways, I’m sure he’s going to leave me on liked again… should I text him?

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Okay, but making friends is actually really hard for me :(( I just really liked talking to him so that’s why I wanted to text him again… thank you for the advice! :)


Hey girl this is suffy again, i want to tell you that even i dont have any friends and i tried making friends but didn’t work and its totally fine people move on and lifes goes on and be yourself be kind u will make many friends when they actually understand u.

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Thank you :) I’d like to think that way but I’m really pessimistic ;/ I always think I’m the problem! And I have a few friends from my childhood when I wasn’t that shy!


Okay, let’s be friends! :)


Lets be friends yaaa❤️


@gauravbisotiya, thats so sweet of you and hey i from india too

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author
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Hey love, first I appreciate you are trying for the better for yourself. But I would love would say don’t stress yourself over people who doesn’t appreciate you, if he isn’t going to respect you and start a conversation maybe it’s time to move on to someone. The amount of efforts you put will be surely appreciated by someone who cares. Don’t give up!


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