Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Hello everyone, I’m new here. Things aren’t really going that well for me. My friends ignored me today and I asked them why, they responded with: ‘We didn’t mean to ignore you and we can’t really ignore someone who doesn’t speak to us.’ and that really made me sad, because I’m trying so hard to open up to new people, but it takes time for me. I had a best friend last year, but she used me and I’m still hurt because of what she did to me. However, I hope you’re having a nice day. Thanks for listening to me!

5 replies

Hey, no biggies if it takes time for you to open up. Many of us has this feature(I don’t take it as an issue most of the times, because it gives me time to observe people and thus helping me make better friends).
And if you really want to talk to your friends more, maybe you can practice at home by talking to yourself in the mirror, it’s a really famous technique and helps gaining confidence.
And I’m really sorry for what your best friend did to you, may she realize this.

Have a noice day 😉


Thanks for helping me out, I will use your advice! Have a nice day too!


First thing loads of love to you. You are the best. I love and respect people who are reserved and cannot open up easily. That is your identity. Love yourself the way you are. Accept who you are. It is not your inability to express or go along that’s making you feel alone but your lack of acceptance towards who you are. Once you understand that you are so and so and you accept yourself the world around you will. As long as you try to compare yourself to someone and push yourself to become something you are not, you will keep feeling so. Find your strengths and work on it. People always see others with what they don’t have. They will see you for your ability to stay reserved and keep things to yourself and wish to become like you, if you accept yourself and be happy with what you are. Nobody wants n earth knows what they want. But everyone knows and wishes to be confident and happy. So whoever projects that, they think they want to become like that. But little we know, that it comes with self acceptance. Loads of love and acceptance to you. Love yourself.


Thank you so much!! This really made my day better, it really means a lot to me and I’ll try to find my strenghts and I will work on myself! I really hope that you’re having a good day! I don’t know what else to say, but you’re a really kind person! If you ever feel bad, you can always talk to me if you want to! Have a good day! :D


Means a lot. Thank you. Loads of love and acceptance to you❤️


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