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Hello everyone . I am at a place where my relationship is not that exciting and interesting though I communicate everything with him but he just doesn’t make an effort I have made it clear about our break up but for some reason not able to avoid it completely .I don’t want to be in this relationship .I want to be clear about what I want and don’t want to be indecisive . I feel I’m not able to make a decision because idk how he really feels about me and he dosent give a proper answer even when I ask him . Right now I jus stopped caring about r relationship to focus on better stuff with priorities

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soorya
Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_
15 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @soorya

Soorya @soorya

Yes you should focus on better stuff with priorities… Nothing is worth sacrificing your happiness… Love yourself and make yourself a priority… If something is holding you back let it go… Only that can make you capable of reaching your dreams and goals… Take care of yourself and also believe in yourself 🤗💗


Thank u so much 🥰

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soorya

Soorya @soorya

You should thank yourself too not everyone can make a bold stand like you did… Be proud 🤗💗

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_

Wanderer @wanderer_

Okay, i did the same to my ex and trust me it’ll get bad

Just break it off after that he will come after you so please don’t let him in,

He’s not good for you, and you deserve someone better than him


How do I end it once and for all with no strings attached whatsoever I feel I’m not able to end this because I feel like he’s the only guy in my life

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_

Wanderer @wanderer_

Trust me, he’s not
I am telling you it’s my story and I did something similar

And trust me, you’ll be better off without him,
You’ll get to work on yourself, love yourself and you’ll realize what you were doing to yourself was wrong
So get out,

I can tell you my story, i guess it’ll help to a certain extent of you want to hear it


Yes please tell me ur story it might help me clear my doubts

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_

Wanderer @wanderer_

Text me on insta - questionsunaskable

. @somesortofpanda

Prioritise yourself and your mental health over any relationship. Only then will you be able to love yourself and thus love the other person.


Yes true that thank u 💖

. @somesortofpanda

If you feel like sharing stuff and talking, just ping me. Always there


Yes thanku

. @somesortofpanda

You’re welcome 😊


Look him in his eyes and ask him clearly, give him a choice, to either answer the question honestly or walk away. I have been there, and if you don’t know what he is feeling it will make things worse.


Yeah you r right through text he can always avoid this convo .I have to ask him face to face


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