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Mental HealthThought

Kashika @kashika

Having read so many articles about child abuse, I’m so appalled and disgusted. It’s hard to believe that maximum cases of child abuse involve people that the victim already knows, and usually is related to. Children are so vulnerable at this age, an incident like that can marr their future entirely and leave a very profoud psychological impact from which the child might never recover.

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6 replies

Gaurvi Narang @gaurvinaran...

It is quite disturbing I must say. It can lead to so many personality malfunctions later on, nobody even thinks about it.

Rashmi @rashmimalhotra

True . I really can’t believe how can they this thing to them . They are small and innocent


It’s hard to believe that people can do something like that.

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Simran Patel @simranpatel

Such incidences make you question the entire human race. It’s true it leaves a scar on children’s minds.

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