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Mental WellbeingThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Has the idea of taking therapy and opening up to a stranger brought an overwhelming sense of uncertainty, even if it wasn’t your first time? It’s important to know that you’re not alone! Today we have Shaifila Ladhani on board to answer all your questions under the theme of ”Sharing your fears and Clarifying your doubts about Therapy” 🤔💭

About Shaifila Ladhani (She/Her)-

Shaifila Ladhani is an accomplished practising psychotherapist based out of Delhi. She believes that mental health is psychosocial in nature and that working with individuals requires acknowledging their psychosocial contexts. She is working on building efficient models of therapeutic care, which takes into account the mental health needs and concerns that go beyond the space(s) of therapy.

She is a feminist, queer affirmative, trauma-informed practitioner. She has completed her Master’s in Psychosocial and Clinical Studies from Ambedkar University. She has built a thriving private practice over the past years. She has worked with several NGOs and organizations to create accessible mental health services and products. She has also provided mental health support to individuals from varied backgrounds.

Feel free to ask her any and all questions aligning with the theme without a smidge of hesitation! Remember that asking questions shows strength, not weakness. 🤗💐

🧡 Ask away and stay informed! 🧡

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnkenny9980
30 replies

I like the idea of Therapy but its expensive…

Uchiha Itachi @fapsatan


Profile picture for Now&Me member @shaifila

Shaifila @shaifila

Hi! You bring up a very important point. Therapy is inaccessible sometimes because of the costs. But there are a lot of therapists trying to reduce costs for people who need the aid. And also, a lot of resources for free of cost or very minimal cost like Ehsaas clinic at Ambedkar University and Sanjivni Clinic in Delhi to name a few. :)

It is a structural issue, therapy should not be this expensive but there are still a few options. All the best!

The @sunflower_

I think therapy is intimidating. It’s almost like once you tell someone your problems their secretly judging you and sometimes I don’t really connect with the therapist.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shaifila

Shaifila @shaifila

Hey! Therapy can be intimidating but it is a process. This feeling of trust is built with time. Remember, you are in this relationship WITH the therapist. If you feel like the relationship is not being built: bring that to the table. Together the two of you can decide what works and what doesn’t. It is going to take some time, it’s completely human. :)

The @sunflower_

Thank you for the advice. I will bring it up in the next session

Sanket @sanket

I want to know whether I shall try therapy or not. My problem is I keep feeling low and I cry and crib a lot. After retrospecting I realize I have been behaving in this way since my childhood. I keep hanging on to things. I feel lazy and I do nothing, not even fun. I’m agitated. I struggle to learn things and by any chance if I do i fail to implement them. I have limited or no level of understanding.
What kind of professional help shall I seek for, if needed?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shaifila

Shaifila @shaifila

Hi Sanket!

I feel like everybody should give therapy a try. It can be a wonderful journey with vulnerability. We can be very unreliable narrators of our stories, having a vantage point is helpful sometimes.

As per the “problem” you have described, maybe a counselling psychologist will be helpful to navigate what you need at first. If you feel like there’s a need for clinical intervention a clinical psychologist would be the right path. The ultimate goal is to find a person you’re comfortable with. :)

All the best!

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnkenny9980

John Kenny @johnkenny9980

Is it okay to be shy

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shaifila

Shaifila @shaifila

It is VERY okay to be shy. :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnkenny9980

John Kenny @johnkenny9980

Thanks 😊

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John Kenny @johnkenny9980

How can I overcome shyness as a teenager

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shaifila

Shaifila @shaifila

There is no one foolproof path for it but individual therapy can help you figure that out for yourself, something that can address the subjective reason for your shyness.

It’s definitely not necessarily a “negative” trait that needs to be removed. But self acceptance becomes a part of this journey :)

For a lot of people exposure therapy: putting themselves in such situations slowly is also helpful. While you try these techniques the most important step is to ensure that you are safe: physically and emotionally ✨

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnkenny9980

John Kenny @johnkenny9980

Thanks 🫂

Vikalp Mishra @vklpm

What is a usual therapy like? Are there different kinds of therapies?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shaifila

Shaifila @shaifila

Therapy can be different with different kinds and modalities of it. However, at the core of it all it is a relationship. You’re building a relationship with your therapist who joins you on the journey to help you figure things out.

To read more about different kinds of therapies prevalent in India:

Vikalp Mishra @vklpm

Let us say some event happened in the past and the victim is slowling moving on doing well in life.

However, at times s/he feels pain at the back of his/her head, pain in skull, etc.

But the victim is also of the opinion that with time s/he will get over this as well.

Would you still suggest a therapy?


Good evening Ma’am, I hope you are doing well. I was diagnosed with mixed anxiety and depression a few months ago. I have a few symptoms of PTSD and crippling anxiety, inter personal relationship problem, trust issues and history of self harm. I was referred to a neuropsychiatrist for medication since I couldnt respond well with the exercises my therapist wanted. I have a history of what you may say as recurring trauma (child abuse) which was unprocessed for a really long time. I couldnt go further with the consult with the psychiatrist because I have been really anxious to visit new doctors. I have had awful experiences with the healthcare fraternity because of their lack in empathy and over confidence in diagnosis. I dont know how to approach with seeking help since its really emotionally and physically exhausting for someone like me. What would you suggest?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shaifila

Shaifila @shaifila

Hi. It is an unfortunate reality that we live through with the healthcare fraternity sometimes not showing up with empathy, however, there’s also a lot of practitioners being more and more mindful of it.

I think a good way to go about it is to go through referrals, maybe with a psychologist you feel comfortable with or a friend who you can trust. Find professionals via these networks instead of the internet for now. :)


I don’t have any money for therapy i am a college student and my family doesn’t believe in all these therapy depression and all i wanna get placed but i have lost all my self esteem self confidence i gey panic anxiety attacj when anything happen that is different from my daily routine…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shaifila

Shaifila @shaifila

Hi! Here are a few things you can do:

1. Reach out to people. Friends, community at Now&Me, extended family: whoever makes you feel safe. It is always nice to know that we have support around us :)

2. Find some free clinics around you. There are a lot of individual practitioners as well as clinics that provide therapy at minimal or free of cost.

You deserve care and support. 🧡


A psychologist told me to figure out what are the issues that are bothering me, but I’m currently lost so how do I do that?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shaifila

Shaifila @shaifila

It is something you can explore with them as well. We don’t always have the right answers, or the right road to reach our destination. A psychologist is a co traveller, who can facilitate this figuring out stage for you :)

phoenix girl @phoenix3722

Hi…I would like to definitely try therapy. But don’t know where to start

Profile picture for Now&Me member @goodly_wire_2

Hi mam , iam a 10 th grade teenage, sometimes iam just being so clingy over things like ’ i chat with a guy , i became clingy with him, and at that time I don’t feel that , now it is glass clear to me , and I am just being insecure about ’ why boys not noticing me’ can u plzz answer


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