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Prakhar @pj4

Guys i need your opinion on this
In the month of june i approached women in my city for directions, it was a kind of initial infield pickup after then i stopped doing it because whenever i think of doing that i am always equipped by the thought that their bf or friend will beat me or the police will catch me(as i live in a very conservative city) and i have been experiencing this thought for one month continuously today also i woke up with this thought and it stressed me. I want to do the pickup but i am confused whether to do it or not?

3 replies

Deepesh Gupta @deepesh200...


Do it bro it will be good experience

Prakhar @pj4


But bro what about the thoughts? It stresses me out. Should i take a wingman with me? Or any quick solution to these negative thoughts? Or should i do it or not?

Deepesh Gupta @deepesh200...


Yeah take a friend with you also no one beats bro
But do with a single standing girl so you can run away after wards even after someone comes


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