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Mental HealthThought


From past couple of weeks. Every little thing is making me angry. I get so triggered easily.

I have this friend who keeps telling me how they are always misunderstood by everyone and everyone hates him.
When the truth is the ppl around him care about him a lot.

I always try to be more understanding and empathetic. But he comes back and keeps saying the same thing. I’m misunderstood and nobody loves me.
I might sound like a total ass here. But this makes me really fuckin angry cuz it feels like I’m constantly being blamed and have no way out.

Me getting easily angered started from this👆 story.

Now It’s gotten to a point where I’m losing my temper every other hour at different people.

This is concerning because I’m usually known to be the calmest person in the room.

Anybody help me with this? How can I stop myself from losing it very often?

4 replies

Take 3 long deep breaths everytime you feel triggered. Trust me it has helped me a lot, it calms me down instantly. Not sure it’ll work for you but we can always start with basics !


I do try to slow down n count to 10 and breathe until I’m calmer. I think I need more than that sometimes

Tanisha @tellmeastory

Hey. It’s good that you have a reason for losing your temper. Now that to know the exact reason. Work accordingly. Maybe try talking to your friend. He seems to have some inferiority complex for him to think everyone hates him. As for yourself. . Take a deep breath. Spend some alone time with yourself. Assess why exactly you feel angry. Note down instances and situations which tick you off. It’s natural to feel anger. But have a healthy outlet for it.


I’ve spoken to him. He repeats the same thing. Didn’t help.

I’ll try writing down what I feel. Maybe that’ll help. Thank you :)


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