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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pikachewoo

Feeling more over-emotional than usual 😟 I tend to be pretty sensitive, but lately I’ve been more prone to crying spells over silly things. I like to think I’m good at thinking logically, but I feel like my brain and gut don’t work together well haha.

Something I’m concerned about is that I’m having more crying spells, specifically while on the phone with my partner (long distance). We’ve dated for a long time and finally met in person a couple months ago. Ever since I’ve travelled back home, I feel more emotionally unstable. Something about being held romantically for the first time ever only to have it taken away, sort of broke me I think. I don’t want to become emotionally dependent by Any means, I know that’s unhealthy for the both of us, but lately I cry so much and just want to be in his arms again. I’m totally doing it now, haha πŸ˜… Luckily we have great communication, and he is patient and understanding.

Relationship stuff aside, I also struggle terribly with compulsive skin picking. I’ll basically injure myself for long stretches of time, it makes me feel better in the moment, but it’s done a number on my self esteem. I’m on anxiety medication and acne treatment stuff, but it feels hopeless that I’ll ever get better. It really feels like I pick my skin to stop myself from crying, it’s a frustrating cycle.

I don’t want people to worry too much about my sensitivity and crying so much, but at the same time I just really want help. I want to be nurtured and told it’ll be okay. My stuffed animals and blankets are a huge help, but I just always feel like I need more comfort.

TL;DR, I have sudden bursts of crying and compulsive skin picking, and it makes me feel really hopeless and empty.

Any comments, feedback, or anything would mean so much. I’m feeling overwhelmed and I don’t want to bother my friends. πŸ˜₯ Thanks so much for reading! πŸ’–

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pikachewoo
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89

TeeJay @dran89


β€œI like to think I’m good at thinking logically, but I feel like my brain and gut don’t work together well haha.”

I totally get you. And trust me, crying helps. Your partner loves you, understands you. You have that going for you. LDR is difficult, I know. It gets better over time. That earning for physical affection, being held by them. It gets to you when you are apart. Your partner feels it too.

Just stay commited towards each other. Have trust in each other. LDR gives rise to lot of insecurities and overthinking. I know. I have done my share of it. I still do. The β€œwhat if” are the worst.

Always be honest with each other. And Communicate!!

And the part about skin picking. I think you know its bad. But feels good to do it. Try keeping yourself busy, with a hobby or something. Acne problems are very common. Maintain a good diet. Try working out. Anything that helps you keep your mind off to going back to that girl, lying on the bed, and skin picking herself.

And as always, we are here to listen to you. All the best. Take care. 😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pikachewoo

Thank you SO much, this was an extremely kind and thoughtful reply! I always love reading feedback from people who have also been in LDRs. The relationship is fantastic, but it does suck when I see real life couples so much.

And the skin picking feedback is something I’m literally going to keep as a screenshot on my phone. I love the working out idea! Going on walks seems to help.

Thank you again so much for your kindness, I’m so glad I found this site! Wishing you the best as well!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89

TeeJay @dran89


Glad to be of help. πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‡


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