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Social AnxietyThought


Feeling misunderstood as an introvert. Actually, I have always felt this way. I’ve lost many friendships mainoy due to me needing my space and time to recharge versus hanging out with frienda who all enjoyed being in crowded spaces.

Right now, I’m in love with a man who is without a doubt my missing puzzle piece. He is an extrovert and he often misunderstands me because I don’t know how to express myself properly when in a heated moment. This results in me getting quiet, not because I have nothing to say or don’t care, but because if you know any thing about introverts we need time to think through the maze of thoughts we have going through our minds. I want to overcome this seeming mental block and express myself to him in the moment.

I love him with ever fibre of my being and I want us to work. Does anyone have experience with this? Please help.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @deceivedayp
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @deceivedayp

Alex @deceivedayp

Well I’m an introvert, honestly not a lot of people stick with me. Many have left me and used me, just try your best and tell him how you feel. Opposites attract each other don’t ya know.


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