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Feeling low since I’m not able to handle both my relationships, career and my parents, my gf used to understand my feelings and why I got irritated easily she used to get it, but nowadays all she wants is to just think abt her feelings,her problems etc, Actually her life is less with problems coz her parents doesnt trouble her much,but my parents trouble me emotionally sometimes due to arguments and career is goin down since college professors are not giving attention much to our lives. Feeling a lot low and troubled💔💔

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Think about how your girlfriend spent so long listening to you and helping you through your problems. Does she not deserve the same from you? If you are in a relationship, you both deserve that the other understands them instead of calling each others problems big or small.


Ya wat u said is exactly what i meant, she deserves the same thats what i did, For her I do everything, be it listening to her prob or any major pain shes goin through,but when it comes to my turn, I agree she helps but verbally, if she understood my problems then she wouldn’t hav hurt me so much. I dnt want her to solve my problems ,I just want her to make me feel spl, Why shd only I do everything for her? I dnt expect a lot from her but shes like until I tell her she wnt do anything on her own, wat use of telling her and getting things done to make myself happy?


I completely understand, and you should tell her the same. Sometimes out of habit, we get used to a person’s presence and forget to make them feel special and valued. You deserve to feel special! :-)


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