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Rahul @lonely_lucky

Feeling depressed πŸ˜”

13 replies

Why you feel so?
Would you like to talk about it?

Rahul @lonely_lucky


Wife cheated me she is into relationship with other guy past 3 yrs now. I confronted her regarding this she accepted fault and feeling guilty now. This is not the first time though. I cought her 3 times in past 1 month and she saying the same thing that she is feeling guilty about it and she loves me and requesting me to accept her again. I love her a lot and not able to digest the fact and coming out of this trauma. Don’t know whether I can trust her again after being cheated 3 times in span of 1 month


I am so sorry that you had to face such situation. Sir, i am a college student, too young to give advice on such serious topic.
But… I hope you find out some way to your happiness…
I can feel sadness and loneliness in your words. if you want to talk i am here…

Rahul @lonely_lucky


Thank you very much for the response. You know I can’t discuss this things openly with my parents nor my friends because they will start judging and scared if every one knows about her she will feel insecure and take a wrong step. I don’t want to lose her i always want her to be happy. My pain is why she has done to me now I’m unable to focus on anything I’m ignoring all not able to work properly. Not able to digest the fact that she has done like that.


Definitely sir this situation is very distracting.
You cannot share this with people you know… But u can share this with some therapist or go for couples councelling…
Or try to talk about this to some of the helplines provided in resource section…

Sending you virtual hugs πŸ€—

Rahul @lonely_lucky


Sure I will take help from the resource section. Thank you once again


Your welcome.
Hope things rurn out okay soon

Rahul @lonely_lucky


Where can I find the resource section can you help me out plz?


Hey it difficult to guide u in texts…
Insted i am sharing one of the helpline that i used…

Lets talk one to one
Crisis helpline

Hope this helps

Potato @whoispotato


If u r using this on web…
Follow following steps
1. When you open now&me home page on web, see on top right conner , you will see 3 parallel line icon. Tap it.
2. A panel from right will open.
There you will see options - home , thoughts, resources, tags. Tap on resources.
3. Resource section will open. Now you will see options- helpline, experts, support group, helpfull blogs. Tap on helplines.
4. Select any helpline, just give them a call and ask how does this work… They will help u and explain how this is done…

I have tried myself. It is really good thing.

Rahul @lonely_lucky


Thanks for the help. Sure I will give a call to the helpline

Rahul @lonely_lucky


Thank you for the message it helped me a lot. Now I’m feeling better than before as I vented out my pain. Thank you friend


Glad it helped you πŸ™‚βœ¨


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