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Everything around me is going down and taking me down, but here i am still scrolling through social media and binge watching movies. I used to be a above average student, now i am a failure. My physical heath is at a bad state, im not being hygiene.Im postponing every task and bringing them to a worstcase scenario. People started to see me as a failure, my close friends started to judge me. Thats it i want to change, i just want to bring the better of mine.Along with all of these, im a introvert, i had a bad childhood. Help me redeem myself

7 replies
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Hey first of just calm down and breathe and take things one by one not all the things together…

diya- @agakaksb


Let’s talk

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Thanks but, as I mentioned i bring everything to the worst case scenario, same with my studies. Im in a situation where i need to study atleast 8hours a day. Even now if i wont study im a lost case

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Thanks mate!!!


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