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Everyday feels like the same tired, depressed I can barely get outta bed

Profile picture for Now&Me member @raj1403
3 replies

Anand @anand_2250

Once u r engaged in an activity you barely will have time to think lonely, but still a friend always makes u feel better no matter what…so keep them close…drop them a text , call them may be


The thing is that I’m rlly bad at opening up n even if I do I can’t put my feelings into words so I’ll end up not saying anything at all For the past couple of months my depression is getting worse I pushed everyone away cos I don’t wanna b a burden to them but now I don’t have anyone to talk to Everyday I try so hard to be better but no matter what I do nothing seems to change Dealing with sh, anorexia,depression, suicidal thoughts ,self destructive thoughts it’s too much I’ve been bottling up my emotions for so long I’m so close to giving up

Profile picture for Now&Me member @raj1403

Raj Chauhan @raj1403

Come on champ.
1) work on getting financially independent
2) Go help someone in need
3) visit an orphanage, spend time with kids and gift them some chocolate or toys, the joy will be out of this world.
4) get a hobby
5) start yoga and Gym
6) Improve your looks
7) Talk to some random stranger on internet


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