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β€ΊGrowing Upβ€ΊThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @davidcr7

David @davidcr7

Elders who are suffering try to make sense of their life by enforcing morals, which they know if they had done or do now, to themselves might have changed or change their situation respectively. Instead of changing themselves they try to achieve the sense of accomplishment by enforcing it on youngsters by falling pray to vanity.
Becoming ignorant to the fact that every individual is supported to find their identity by themselves instead of being taught what they are, however it is inevitable that we all need guidance, yes we do but that doesn’t change the fact that - protection and guidance is important but there are some things a person is bound to find by himself otherwise they will remain timid and naive through their whole life, following orders and accepting that as their destiny without letting their consciousness take form.

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