Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Suicidal IdeationThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Dying is the last option I am choosing
I can’t find any solution of my problems
Having a blade beside my bed and just wanna give my 100% to itt…😭😭😭

8 replies

tanya rathore @tannnnu

Don’t do it because it would be the worst thing that u have ever done.
And trust me your problems won’t give a single shit about it. So leave it.


At least it’s easier than living with problems

tanya rathore @tannnnu

It is not. Actually!



Sunshine @little_sunshine

Hey see there are so many people try talking to us for once
Maybe you will feel better or can find some solution
Don’t think of quitting like this
A virtual hug for you 🫂 please cry, rant about it here but don’t do this

ravu @ravu

Hey don’t be a losser… i have suffered from all the hell you could never imagine… today i m happy, that i droped this plan your are planning…


Loser really u know how much courage it takes to do itt


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