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During covid , i went through a toxic relationship which needed counselling to actually get out of …the guy was starting to get a grip over my life that it effected my friendships …my family life …my hobbies …my dressing …my sleep …everything …i partially blame myself for letting this happen …actuslly i blamed myself a lot …the depression that was caused almost even took away my life …but with steady counselling days im out of it …now im a successful human in many fields …excelling by putting out my best … my life is bck on track …looking bck i wonder wat wld hve hppnd if i had taken away my life …a mere memory now .
There is one thing tats left for me to do …there was this guy who was my best friend …my all in all …my pillar of strength …little did we know we were starting to like esch other …but when we realized tat it was too late …for i had gotten into my otyer relationship …i had to avoid him due to the toxic relationship …which led to us breaking our bond …and ive found him to change quite a bit over my months away …or is it me ? Im not really sure …but one things for sure …i still hvnt picked up the courage to talk to him …even if i crave for it everyday …i need ur opinion to whether if i shall do it or not!

4 replies

First of all I’m so proud you that your made through that toxic relationship.
We all deserve happiness and more than that love from ourselves.
If you really feel that you should msg your ex bestfriend than you should do it. I think he will understand but don’t keep any expectations.


I wrote to him and ive lowered my expectations…but my inner self wants him to reply


He left me on seen tho …but i actually feel like ive let go of a huge weight …thank you tho


He repliedd…im so glad …we r bck on track to being the same …i hope idont mess things up this time.


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