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Mental HealthThought


Dont know, writing here for the first time!
I am a really scared person. Its really hard for me to get out of my comfort zone and when my Friends force me to I tend to be at crossroads bcz if I say no and make some lame excuse (which btw they get the whiff of) I start to feel and that I would miss out on a fun time with friends, on the other hand if I say yes then I always seem to cook up some excuse to either get out of them or leave them in the middle and return back to my comfort zone.

And the thing is when I try to justify this to myself that maybe I am doing this bcz I need some me time, in the back of my head there’s this thought that I am just trying to make something up too fool myself

I am really confused. I don’t wanna be scared of getting out of my comfort zone bcz that’s how I’d learn !

3 replies

My advice may seem arbitrary but just be. If you’re scared to get out, then get out.


I think you must start up with little things which may eventually make you feel to explore things out of your comfort zone


Ya it’s ok to be scared at first my sis she is younger than me is still in her comfort zone and I push her out everytime so she just say it on my face in straight way not feeling fine at all. So please don’t pleaze others for their yes or no true friends do accept no and if dey r true dey will push you around till your life end


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