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does anyone know about the recent US Report which has predicted large scale Indo-Pak war in 2024-25 as a retaliation to terror attacks . the thing is that this report is kind of flawless and last time it released, it had predicted pandemic( and we know what happened)! I really get anxious about terror attacks & last whole night I was crying out of fear of losing innocent people; I am really anxious

3 replies

Abeer Setthi @pranum

Hi buddy,
see pandemic surely affected us all, though terror attacks are dangerous and many lives get lost but do remember all wars are started with diplomacy maybe there will be a diplomatic war but still india will have an upper hand in it also. don’t forget yeh naya india hai yeh ghar mein ghusega bhi aur marega bhi 😂. war will still have a devastating effect on both countries which is something that can not be avoided, so i suggest you to go deep into it if it gives you anxiety ask yourself why? and then study why are wars happening ? why there will be a war according to that report? what can you do as a citizen ? challenge your anxiety, it really helps😊
hope you understand my point.


right but I fear death of people

Abeer Setthi @pranum

see life and death are just a part of the nature , if not by war then by pandemic or something worse or something better but these two things will continue we got no say in it


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