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Physical HealthThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

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Coronavirus, a small invisible enemy, coronavirus is defined as Covid-19 or SARS-COV-2. First, it started in china in 2019.Cases of this COVID-19
has a large number of cases in a growing number in countries including the U.S. WHO, the world health organization to advanced the global pandemic in march 2020.WHO is controlling the condition and posting updates, strategy and restriction testimonials on their websites. The coronavirus spreads through someone who is in a near association.this virus can be very mild which leads us to a severe sickness like shortness of breathing, coughing, sneezing, fever. the organizers did not discover the vaccines for this virus, there is 7 principal to decrease the chance of getting this virus:

avoid gathering in a crowded area.
wash your hand at least 20 seconds with hand rub, alcohol hand rub or a hand sanitizer.
avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands aren’t clean.
cover your mouth and nose while you sneeze or cough with a tissue or elbow. and throw away the tissue.
avoid close contacts (within 6 feet) while you visit a sick person.
avoid eating raw or uncooked food meat or animal organs.
if u have very severe sickness you have to visit the doctor.

if you have interacted with the virus:

visit the doctor right away if you have the symptoms or you’ve been exposed that you have the virus.
Tell your doctor if you’ve recently traveled to a restricted area.
Tell your doctor if you’ve had close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with the virus
Call your doctor or clinic before you go to your appointment so they can prepare and make sure others aren’t infected or bared.
Stay home from work, school, and public areas if you’re sick unless you’re going to get healing care.
Avoid taking public transportation such as buses, trams, trains.
Stay isolated in a separate room from family and pets when possible. Wear a surgical mask if you are ill.
Avoid sharing courses, drinks, covers, and other household items if you’re sick. 
Use a separate bathroom off the family if practicable.

                                                                                                    Syed Ayman

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @banisinghvasir

Bani Singh @banisinghvasir

Thank you for these very helpful tips, Syed!


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