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Areeba Hassan @ashygirl

Caption 💯

Dear beautiful stranger,

I just hope you are doing well and amazing, if not then please have a read to this, everyday you wake with a feeling of curiosity and anxiety that how will your day be, everytime when you scroll through your friends like they are getting ahead, the sense of hurricane of insecurities that hit you hard becomes unbearable, and you label yourself as zero, you start looking yourself in the darkness that people purposely put into your life, and you start thinking that maybe the light you have inside isn’t enough, you fill yourself with so much of comparisons and self negatives with the outer world that you forget, you are too a master piece, you wish to show yourself but somehow afraid of how the world would look at you, or when some things don’t work out, you end underestimating your worth, but it’s fine, you aren’t being overdramatic for feeling them, it’s valid 🌸

But, you know what, everything has their time, and you are going on time, the light you carry inside is way way way enough to drive the darkness that you have, so what if you aren’t as same as your friends or family or the world? you are different from the rest, that’s your power, darling, you are super beautiful just the way you are, there isn’t any need to be what you aren’t, You do have a light inside that has an intensity to spread rays of positivity! If ever you stop looking for yourself inside the world rather than yourself, you will find yourself a masterpiece, and trust me you already are ❤️

Love and light,

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aakash_itis
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @aakash_itis

Aakash @aakash_itis

After a busy day …reading this type of post is 😊

Areeba Hassan @ashygirl

Glad to hear. :)

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This came on my feed as soon as I just finished my affirmations<3
In tears from how amazing this was. It’s taken me a while to look past the dark thoughts of myself in my mind, but I’ve been working on it and I am slowly but surely reaching my goal.


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