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can anyone help me in this please

I have my exams in few days can’t focus on studies for many reasons, but there is so much in plate to take, really having hard time. Now I am missing the person badly I last talk to 2 months ago, he was my friend, I always used to feel good after talking to him he is alike me, somewhere going through same, always nice to me and but am an introvert and get attached to the people I get good conversations with, so I took a break for like 1 and half months from that platform we used to talk on, for my studies as I got attached to him. I used to have his text, when I went there, few days back when I signed in I had no msg it hurt me idk why. I want to talk to him now, but messed up really. ugh
 I don’t want to be creep by texting him after so long suddenly, but can’t get our conversations out of my head till today. I want to study and talk to him too as I really don’t have friends. There is already so much going on

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chrisyong
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @chrisyong

i think texting him back wont hurt because you can just tell him the reason why you left for so long if he is your friend then he would totally get it


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