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Can anyone explain me the epilogue(ending) of “The alchemist”.I am bit confused…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dexter0911
Profile picture for Now&Me member @starman
9 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dexter0911

Mr. Wick @dexter0911

koi nahi batayega …


What are you confused about?


Where the boy Santiago found the treasure at the end? In desert (pyramids) or in Spain in church.?


Ahh im so sorry its been 2yrs since i read that book! I dont remember much can u give a lil brief about the church scene?


In google they are saying he found the treasure in Spain! For more explanation search on Google!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @starman

Starman @starman

its been years since i read that book…but i think he found it in the church

Sunidhi @sunidhi__23

There were two boys who beat him up and stole the gold. One of the boy said that he too had a dream where he saw he found the treasure. Then Santiago goes to the same place and got the treasure I guess it was in spain only.


Yes its in Spain but there was no description of him going to Spain… It was summarised in too short that’s why I thought that did he really went back by crossing the whole desert again to Spain and dig for treasure.

Sunidhi @sunidhi__23

Yes he did go


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