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Profile picture for Now&Me member @ummm

ummm @ummm

bruh im really … idk what m I … I want to take bath but I’m studying. I’m not taking bath bcz there is hot in here in my room . if I bathe then again sweet will come out and ruin everything but I also want to feel relaxed and have tea and want to watch reels 😭

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pushkar254
Profile picture for Now&Me member @priyansh98
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ummm
5 replies

😂😂 haha… been there… just take a bath…feel relax and watch reels, yeah you will get sweaty afterwards due to the heat, but it would still be better than now, and atleast you will be able to relax and enjoy for a bit.

mr Unknown @tejavardhan

Do bath and go to terrace …

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pushkar254

Pushkar @pushkar254

Take a bath with cold water and leave the water on skin don’t dry ur skin with towel . Let the skin absorb the water. Drink tea after 20 - 30 min slowly u will be fine if idk

Profile picture for Now&Me member @priyansh98

Priyansh Garg @priyansh98

Ya can relate to this… But whenever this fiasco happens in mind just skip the thinking part and quickly take a shower.
You will never regret


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