13 Things to Do When You Feel Lonely

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03 October 2023

8 Mins

Do you ever find yourself feeling lonely, even when you're surrounded by other people? Loneliness is a common experience that can affect anyone, regardless of age or background. It can be a painful and isolating emotion, but it's essential to understand that you're not alone. In fact, studies show that feeling alone is becoming an increasingly prevalent issue in our society.

It can be caused by a range of factors, from social isolation and lack of meaningful relationships to changes in life circumstances and mental health conditions. Understanding the causes and effects of loneliness, as well as ways to overcome it can help you navigate this complex emotional state and find a sense of connection and community. So, if you're feeling lonely, know that you're not the only one who is feeling this way, and there are steps you can take to address it.

Let's explore the world of lonesomeness together and find ways to combat it.

The Importance of Discussing Loneliness

Did you know that aloneness is becoming more and more of a health concern? Studies show that it can actually have adverse effects on your physical and mental health, and your overall well-being. However, by talking about feeling alone openly and honestly, we can help raise awareness and reduce the stigma that's often attached to it. This, in turn, can help create a more supportive and inclusive society for all of us. So, don't be afraid to speak up and start the conversation about loneliness - it's an important issue that affects so many of us.

Causes of Loneliness

This emotion can be different for everyone and multiple factors can contribute to it. Identifying the cause(s) of it can help you take action and make meaningful connections with others.

1. Social isolation

Have you ever felt lonely because you were physically separated from others or lacked social connections? This is known as social isolation, and it's one of the most common causes of solitude. It can happen when you live alone, work from home, or move to a new place where you don't know anyone. And let's not forget about external factors, like pandemic-induced restrictions that limit our ability to interact with others. All of these can contribute to feelings of lonesomeness and isolation.

2. Lack of meaningful relationships

Have you ever been in a room full of people but still felt lonely because you didn't have any meaningful relationships? This is another common cause of solitude. You might feel disconnected or like you don't have any close bonds with others. Maybe you work with a bunch of people, but you don't have any personal relationships with them. This can all result in feelings of detachment.

3. Changes in life circumstances

Have you experienced any significant changes in your life, such as the loss of a loved one, a divorce, or moving to a new place? These events can disrupt your social network and support system, leading to feelings of segregation.

4. Mental health conditions

Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and social anxiety disorder can also cause or exacerbate aloneness. These conditions can lead to feelings of self-doubt, worry, and difficulty connecting with others, which can make it harder to form and maintain meaningful relationships.

13 Things to do When You Feel Lonely

There are some ways that you can combat loneliness and build meaningful connections with others. Here is what to do when you feel lonely:

1. Building new relationships

To overcome this feeling, you can take an active role in seeking out new relationships. You can also try joining social clubs or online communities that match your interests, attending events or gatherings, or simply reaching out to someone new. Although building new relationships can be challenging, it can also be an enriching and fulfilling way to defeat your aloneness.

2. Strengthening existing relationships

If you're feeling lonely, focusing on strengthening your existing relationships can be a great way to feel more connected. You can start by setting aside quality time with your friends and family, reaching out to someone you haven't spoken to in a while, or being more present and engaged in your current relationships. Taking these steps can help you feel more supported and connected which can go a long way in combating feelings of loneliness.

3. Joining groups and clubs

Joining groups or clubs that align with your interests can be a great way to combat those feelings. It can be anything from a book club, hiking group, or even a volunteer organisation. When you join a group, you have the opportunity to meet new people who share your interests, and that can provide a sense of community and connection. Plus, being part of a group can help you feel more engaged and fulfilled in your hobbies and interests.

4. Volunteering

Volunteering can give you a sense of purpose and fulfilment, while also providing opportunities to meet new people and make a positive impact. There are many different ways to volunteer, such as helping out at a local animal shelter, food bank, or hospital. Whatever your interests may be, volunteering can be a rewarding way to connect with others and get over this feeling.

5. Read books

Books have a tendency to take you to places you have never been before and make you meet people you never thought you would. It takes you to a fictional world where everything seems perfect and you are the main character of the book. Reading books not only fades away the feeling of loneliness but actually helps you enjoy your solitude.

6. Give yourself space to feel

Although feeling lonely can actually put your mind through a series of discomforts, it is something that every individual goes through. So instead of escaping from it or trying to push it down, sit with it and find peace with your loneliness. Get to know yourself in such moments of discomfort so you can actually spend time with yourself without getting sad.

7. Learn something new

In moments of loneliness, it is best to get out of your comfort zone and explore things that you wouldn’t otherwise. Sign up for classes that make you romanticize your life and help you feel better. You can take classes like pottery, dance, or even cooking where you can meet new people and learn amazing things from them.

8. Spend time with nature

When you are feeling down and are not able to connect with anyone, the best way to deal with such a situation is to spend time with nature. Talking to plants while watering them actually makes you feel like you are talking to someone and they are listening to you quite attentively. Doing this is actually very therapeutic and nourishes your soul from deep-within.

9. Slow down

A lot of times, loneliness arises when you are doing everything for others but not spending enough time with yourself. Making money and spending time with friends, family, and colleagues tend to take over your personal time. In times like this, it is best to slow down, take a break from work and socializing, and rather than look at loneliness as something negative, turn it into solitude by doing things you love.

10. Spend time with your parents or grandparents

When you feel lonely, it is best to spend time with your family. Often, when we grow up, we start to become too reserved and forget that our family exists, which can be a major reason for loneliness. So when you see yourself feeling lonely and spending too much time with yourself, go and sit with your family.

11. Engage in a childhood hobby

When you start feeling lonely, it is time to reconnect with your childhood hobbies, which we seem to forget to continue doing when we grow up. So if you were someone you loved playing with but have stopped going out, go out and relive this memory. Make it a conscious effort to put in the effort for yourself and your inner peace.

12. Look from a solution-oriented perspective

A lot of times, our loneliness has an underlying motive to achieve, so instead of pushing it down, sit with yourself and reflect on what you think your loneliness wants. Looking from such a perspective helps you feel a bit more structured and organized and you will be able to deal with this smartly.

13. Seeking professional help

When you're struggling with this feeling, seeking professional help can be a crucial step in conquering it. Talking to a therapist or counsellor can provide you with the guidance and support you need to develop coping strategies and work through the underlying causes of your loneliness. They can also offer a safe and confidential space to express your feelings and concerns. Remember, it's okay to ask for help when you need it, and Now&me experts are always available to support you.


It can be true to say that overcoming this emotion can take time and effort. By taking steps to make new relationships, strengthen existing relationships, join groups or clubs , volunteer, or seek professional help, you can cope with it and build a sense of connection and community in your life. Now, you might be thinking where I can find this help and support? Don't worry, Now&me is the right platform you are looking for, where you can join the community or even chat with a therapist online without paying a penny.


Feeling lonely all the time can be a sign that something is not quite right with you. While it's normal to experience feelings of aloneness from time to time, it's not healthy to feel this way on a constant basis. Chronic loneliness can be a symptom of an underlying mental health condition or a sign that you need to make changes in your life to build more meaningful connections with others.

Lonely people may exhibit a variety of behaviors, including withdrawing from social situations, avoiding new experiences or opportunities, and experiencing mood changes such as sadness or depression. They may also have difficulty forming or maintaining close relationships, and may feel like they are disconnected from others.

Feeling like you have no friends even when you do can be a sign of solitude or low self-esteem. It's possible that you may feel like your relationships with others are not meaningful or that you are not truly connected with them.

The leading cause of loneliness can vary from person to person and situation to situation. Some common causes of desertedness include social isolation, a lack of meaningful relationships, changes in life circumstances such as moving to a new place or experiencing a loss, and mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety.

It can be a harrowing experience to go through. When you're lonely, you might feel like you're disconnected from others and have a sense of sadness or emptiness. It's natural to long for companionship and meaningful connections with others. One who feels lonely might also feel like they don't belong or are isolated from others.

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