21 Signs of Cheating & How to Deal With It

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25 February 2024

9 Mins

Have you ever had doubts about whether your partner could be cheating on you? Sometimes, even if you notice signs, you might brush them off because the idea of a cheating partner is really hard to accept. But if you are feeling unsure, it's important to acknowledge the signs of cheating that may indicate something is not right.

In this blog, we will talk about 21 tell-tale signs that could mean your partner is cheating on you. If you want to overcome your relationship issues, refer to this blog post, and you will learn some effective ways to handle the situation in the right way.

21 Signs of Cheating

Before we dive into the signs of cheating, it's important to understand what is considered cheating in relationships. Cheating is when one partner acts in a way that breaks the trust of the other partner, which could be through flirting with someone else, hiding things, or having a romantic relationship outside of the current one.

When you enter into an exclusive relationship, you trust your partner and agree to be faithful and committed to each other. However, if your partner betrays your trust by cheating, it can severely impact your self-esteem and confidence. This may leave you with the dilemma of whether to give them a second chance or end the relationship.

To understand it better, let's look at 21 signs that might suggest someone is cheating in a relationship.

1. Change in social circle

Your partner starts spending more time with a new group of friends or colleagues, and you notice that you are not included in their social activities as often as before. They may be using these gatherings as opportunities to meet and interact with someone outside of the relationship.

2. Emotionally distant

Your partner suddenly becomes emotionally distant or withdrawn, showing less interest in your life, emotions, and well-being. They may seem preoccupied or lost in their thoughts, leading to a lack of connection between you two.

3. Keeping secrets about social media

Your partner becomes overly protective of their social media accounts, such as by changing privacy settings, deleting messages, or creating new accounts without informing you. They may also show reluctance to share their online interactions or friend lists with you.

4. Frequent business trips or travel

Your partner begins taking frequent business trips or travel excursions, often without providing detailed explanations or invitations for you to accompany them. While some travel may be legitimate, excessive or sudden trips can raise suspicions of infidelity.

5. Sudden interest in new hobbies or activities

Your partner develops a sudden interest in new hobbies, sports, or activities that they previously showed no interest in. While exploring new interests is healthy, sudden changes in behavior without explanation may indicate a desire to spend time away from the relationship.

6. Secret phone calls or texts

You notice that your partner frequently receives phone calls or texts from unknown numbers or contacts, and they quickly dismiss or hide these interactions when you are around. They may also step away to take calls in private or become defensive when questioned about their phone usage.

7. Blaming you for their behavior

Your partner may start blaming you for their own infidelity or questionable behavior. They may accuse you of neglecting them, not meeting their needs, or driving them to seek attention and validation elsewhere, deflecting responsibility from their actions.

8. Change in sexual preferences or desires

Your partner's sexual preferences or desires suddenly change, and they may request or suggest trying new things in the bedroom that seem out of character for them. This shift in behavior could indicate outside influence or experimentation with someone else.

9. Lack of interest in resolving fights

One of the signs of cheating could be that your partner shows little interest in addressing or resolving conflicts in the relationship. They may avoid discussing relationship issues altogether or display indifference to your concerns, signaling a lack of investment in the partnership.

10. Sudden gifts or surprises

Your partner starts giving you gifts or surprises out of the blue, possibly as a way to alleviate guilt or distract you from their suspicious behavior. While gifts are gestures of affection, sudden generosity without a clear reason may be a red flag.

11. Keeping secrets

Your partner may start keeping their phone or computer locked more often, and they may take their devices with them everywhere, even to places like the bathroom. Previously, they may have been more open about their messages, emails, and social media activity, but now they guard their privacy with heightened sensitivity.

12. Change in routine

One of the signs of a cheater could be that your partner's schedule might suddenly become more unpredictable or unaccounted for. They might claim to be working late more frequently, attending social events that you are not invited to, or spending extended periods away from home without a clear explanation of their whereabouts. This change in routine can create a sense of unease and suspicion, especially if it occurs without prior discussion or transparency.

13. Lack of communication

Conversations with your partner may become more superficial or guarded. They may avoid discussing certain topics altogether, deflecting questions about their day or their feelings. When you try to engage in meaningful conversation, you may notice a lack of engagement or enthusiasm on their part, leaving you feeling disconnected and isolated in the relationship.

14. Unnecessary expenses

You may notice unusual or unexplained charges on joint bank statements or credit card bills. Your partner may offer vague explanations or brush off your inquiries about these expenses, leaving you feeling suspicious and uncertain about their financial activities. This lack of transparency can erode trust and create resentment, as you question your partner's honesty and integrity.

15. Gut feeling

Despite a lack of obvious evidence, you may have a strong gut feeling that something is wrong in the relationship. You may notice subtle changes in your partner's behavior or demeanor that raise red flags in your mind. While you may struggle to articulate specific concerns, your intuition tells you that things are not as they seem, prompting you to investigate further or confront your partner about your suspicions.

16. Change in looks

Your partner may suddenly start paying more attention to their appearance, investing time and effort into grooming, fashion, and personal hygiene. They may purchase new clothes, experiment with different hairstyles, or start wearing cologne or perfume more frequently. While this change in appearance could be attributed to personal growth or self-care, it may also be a subtle attempt to attract attention from others or impress a potential romantic interest.

17. Mood swings

If your partner experiences sudden mood swings or seems emotionally distant, it could be a sign of inner turmoil. They may be struggling with guilt, anxiety, or stress related to their actions or the fear of getting caught.

18. Loss of interest in family events

A loss of interest in family events or gatherings could indicate that your partner is preoccupied with something else, such as an affair or emotional distress. They may be avoiding situations where their behavior could be scrutinized or where they would feel guilty for their actions.

19. Lack of future plans

When a partner avoids making future plans or seems hesitant to commit to long-term goals, it may suggest that they are uncertain about the future of the relationship. They may be considering ending the relationship or exploring other options.

20. Telling lies

Discovering lies or inconsistencies in your partner's explanations about their whereabouts or activities is a clear indication of dishonesty. They may be hiding their actions to conceal infidelity or other behaviors they know would hurt you if revealed.

21. Lack of transparency

It refers to situations where your partner becomes secretive or hesitant to provide clear and honest answers to questions about various aspects of their life. A lack of transparency suggests that your partner is not being fully honest or forthcoming with you, which can create feelings of mistrust and uncertainty in the relationship.

Are There Guaranteed Signs of Cheating?

There are no guaranteed signs of cheating that universally apply to all relationships, as every person and relationship is unique. What may be perceived as suspicious behavior in one relationship could be entirely innocent in another.

While certain behaviors, like secrecy, emotional distance, and changes in routine, can raise concerns, they do not conclusively prove infidelity. It's essential to approach any signs of potential infidelity with empathy, openness, and a willingness to listen to each other's perspectives, rather than jumping to conclusions or making accusations without sufficient evidence.

What to Do if You Suspect Your Partner May Be Cheating

If you think your partner might be cheating because you have noticed something worrying, it's important to take a step back. Consider whether there could be other explanations for what you have seen and think about how you feel before you talk to them about it.

Here are some tips for talking to your partner if you suspect they're cheating:

  • Think about why you are feeling this way—is it because of your partner's actions or because of your own fears and past experiences?
  • Talk to your partner about what you have noticed and how it's making you feel
  • Confide in a trusted friend who will keep what you say confidential
  • Consider seeking advice and support from a professional
  • Look for articles or books written by experts on relationships, infidelity, and dealing with betrayal

It's crucial to approach the conversation with kindness and understanding, ensuring that you maintain open communication and honesty. This way, you can tackle the issue together and find solutions to overcome the situation effectively.

What to Do If You Catch Your Partner Cheating

Discovering that your partner is cheating can bring up intense, painful emotions. Before you talk to your partner about it, take time to understand and process your feelings. Don't rush into confronting them without first figuring out what you are feeling and how you want to communicate those emotions.

Here are some steps you can take to handle the situation:

  • Take time to process your emotions and gather your thoughts
  • Consider confronting your partner about the situation
  • Listen to their explanation and perspective without interrupting
  • Assess whether the relationship can be repaired and if both parties are willing to work on rebuilding trust
  • Seek support from trusted friends, family members, or a therapist to help you navigate your feelings and decisions
  • Evaluate your options and determine what is best for your emotional well-being and future happiness
  • Establish boundaries and expectations for honesty and transparency moving forward
  • Seek individual counseling to address any lingering emotional trauma or insecurities
  • Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally during this challenging time
  • Remember that you deserve respect, honesty, and trust in any relationship

Remember, if you feel that ending the relationship is the best decision for you, it's okay to break up. Your happiness and emotional health should always come first.

When to Break Up

Deciding to break up with someone is a tough choice that depends on how you feel about the relationship. If your partner does not treat you right, does not trust you, or always makes you miserable, it might be time to consider ending the relationship.

It's important to listen to your gut feelings and pay attention to signs that show the relationship isn't working. Talking to people you trust, like family or friends, can help you figure out what's best for you. It might be hard but it's okay to end a relationship if it's not healthy and fulfilling for you.

How Can Now&Me Help?

If you are going through a tough time because of cheating in your relationship, Now&Me can help. It's an online platform where you can talk openly about your feelings with qualified experts in the comfort of your home. You can connect with professionals for free or have more in-depth conversations starting at Rs 30/-.

Now&Me also has articles, guides and groups where you can find advice and support from others experiencing similar problems. Our community is here to ensure you don't feel alone in your struggles and understands what you are experiencing.

Don't wait to start your healing journey! Download the Now&Me app today and take the first step towards feeling better and overcoming your relationship issues.


Now&Me articles are written by experienced mental health contributors and are purely based on scientific research and evidence-based practices, which are thoroughly reviewed by experts, including therapists and psychologists with various specialties, to ensure accuracy and alignment with current industry standards.

However, it is important to note that the information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Individual circumstances vary, and it is advisable to consult with a qualified mental health professional for personalized advice and guidance.

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