Rebound Relationship: Definition, Signs, & What to Know

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Sarvika Aggarwal

06 February 2024

7 Mins

You must have come across this trendy term, “rebound relationships.” But what does it exactly mean?

A rebound relationship meaning is when a person comes into a new relationship when they haven’t yet healed from their previous relationship or recent heartbreak. A person usually comes into this type of relationship to suppress their pain, get revenge on the ex, or simply avoid feeling alone.

While there may be many other reasons for engaging in a rebound relationship, let’s see what it means, its signs, and how you can navigate your way around it.

What Is a Rebound Relationship?

A rebound relationship means when a person who is stuck on their ex or previous relationship wants to have someone by their side and not feel alone. There is no negative or positive feeling attached to it; it is simply a way of dealing with the hurt and suppressing the pain of heartbreak by going out with someone for the sake of it.

Most of the reasons for a rebound relationship are to get over your previous relationship or, sometimes, to make the other person feel jealous or angry so that they come back to you. Whatever the reason may be, people ask, “What is a rebound in a relationship?" or “What is rebound meaning in a relationship?" It simply means someone you don’t care about and who is there to fill a void in your life and help you get through the difficult times of your life.

Get to the bottom of your heartbreak and heal yourself with the help of professional experts for free

10 Signs You Are in a Rebound Relationship

While there may be more than 10 signs of knowing whether you are in a rebound relationship or not, here are some rebound relationship signs for you to be attentive to:

  1. Fear of commitment
  2. Not much time to your breakup/recent heartbreak
  3. You mostly talk or think about your ex
  4. The focus of the relationship is sex/physical intimacy
  5. There is no emotional connection
  6. No talks about future plans
  7. The connection seems temporary
  8. You mostly feel lonely with them
  9. Strict boundaries
  10. You do not share anything personal with them

Why Do People Seek Rebound Relationships?

It can be hard to get over a committed relationship that you thought would end in marriage. To get away from the pain, people indulge in certain acts they never thought they would. More than that, people who come into a rebound relationship want a temporary bandage to help them cope with the pain. So why do people actually seek rebound relationships? Let’s have a look.

1. To get away from the pain

It can be quite difficult to deal with falling out of a committed relationship. In order to deal with such immense pain, people often enter rebound relationships to get away from the pain or not deal with it in the first place.

2. To avoid feeling lonely

It can get very lonely after a relationship doesn’t work out the way you wanted it to, so to not feel that loneliness or accept that you are indeed feeling lonely, people enter rebound relationships. It makes them feel better about themselves and their entire situation.

3. To fill a void

Falling out of a committed relationship does have a long-lasting impact on the person. To simply fill that void or not accept that you have been through something major, a person might just lean towards a rebound relationship to help themselves deal with the situation at hand.

4. To get over an ex

Most often, people enter a rebound relationship to simply forget about their ex or get over them by giving all of their attention to their current partner. This might not be the most effective way to get over someone, but some people find it working for them.

5. To make their ex jealous

It is quite possible that people also come into rebound relationships to simply make their ex jealous or get their attention. People who tend to do this have this ideology that if their ex gets jealous, they might just get back with them or they might understand that they lost someone special.

How Long Do Rebound Relationships Last?

While there is no set duration for how long rebound relationships last, it depends on the two people dating and the intention they carry. Some rebound relationships are quite short; however, some do take a healthy turn and blossom into something absolutely unimaginable.

So overall, it depends on the patterns the two people carry and where they see themselves—whether it is something casual or something that might turn out to be serious in the future.

Can Rebound Relationships Turn Into Long-Term Relationships?

This depends on case to case. However, if a person is still hung up on their ex, it might be difficult for them to turn their rebound relationship into something long-term. But if someone ends up opening their heart to their rebound partner, you never know; it can definitely take a serious turn.

Are Rebound Relationships Healthy?

Most of the rebound relationships are quite unhealthy. However, some rebound relationships can have a different vibe, which can be good for you. It is quite possible that you might hit it off with somebody and open your heart to them, which can even lead to a possible friendship in the future.

What to Do If You Are in a Rebound Relationship

It can be quite difficult to deal with your emotions when you have directed that pain into a rebound relationship. But there are better ways to deal with such a situation. What can be done if you are in a rebound relationship? Let’s have a look:

1. Give yourself space

While it may seem easy to throw yourself in a relationship to deal with such intense emotions, it is better to give yourself some space and cry your heart out. There is no pressure on you to always feel your best. Take off that shield and let it all out.

2. Sit with your emotions

It can be quite hard to sit with your emotions when you are feeling all sorts of things. However, that is okay. Your emotions do not have to make any sense, nor do you have to understand each one of them. Just let them come and go. Sit with them, and if you feel any sadness, anger, or disappointment, let it out.

3. Leave the relationship

If the rebound relationship isn’t helping you at all and is only messing with you even more, leave the relationship. It might seem difficult but do it for yourself and lean on people who actually care about you.

4. Seek support

Seek support within your loved ones or talk to a professional counselor if you do not feel like sharing your feelings with anyone close to you. They might not give you any guidance or advice, but letting that anger and sadness out is important so that you can feel light and know that eventually you will be okay.

5. Practice self-care

Indulge in self-care activities; they do not have to be something major, but simple acts of journaling, meditation, dancing, or even getting up to go to work or doing something for yourself can do wonders.

When to Seek Professional Help

When you feel like you are at an edge and you simply cannot deal with anything else, talk to a professional expert right away. You can even talk to them before getting a breakdown, but when you feel absolutely burned out from inside and cannot deal with anything more, it is extremely important to connect with a therapist right there.

Leaning on professional support will help you let all your emotions out without passing any judgment on them. You will even understand how to give yourself a break and not force yourself to feel your best when you are clearly not.

Sometimes, reminding ourselves of these small things doesn’t come easy, so that is why it is important to connect with people who can help you see the right direction and guide you towards it with empathy and care.

How Can Now&Me Help?

If you do not understand how to leave a rebound relationship and work on the real cause of the issue, connect with qualified professionals on Now&Me and understand your situation from an empathetic point of view. Learn to get rid of these unhealthy patterns in an effective way with your first chat for free.

However, if you are not ready to take therapy, you can even become a part of the Now&Me community, where you can chat with like-minded people and get to know their personal stories. This will help you feel like you belong somewhere and are not alone.

Moreover, you can even get thoroughly vetted resources and self-help books on Now&Me to help you work through your heartbreak in a healthy manner. Download the app and start your healing journey right away!

Heartbreaks can be quite difficult to deal with all alone; take support from professional experts for free.


  1. Rebound Relationship: Definition, Signs, & What to Know. Choosing Therapy. Published August 2023.

  2. What Is a Rebound Relationship. Verywell Mind. Published November 2022.

Now&Me articles are written by experienced mental health contributors and are purely based on scientific research and evidence-based practices, which are thoroughly reviewed by experts, including therapists and psychologists with various specialties, to ensure accuracy and alignment with current industry standards.

However, it is important to note that the information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Individual circumstances vary, and it is advisable to consult with a qualified mental health professional for personalized advice and guidance.

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