Is Watching Porn Cheating in a Relationship?

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11 January 2024

8 Mins

In today’s digital age, the boundaries of relationships often face new challenges, and one question that frequently arises is, "Is watching porn cheating?"

However, figuring out if it's cheating or not heavily depends on the particular couple because people feel differently about it. Even though everybody's got access to it, there is a considerable amount of stigma attached to it, making it somewhat taboo and challenging to discuss with your partner.

Since it's not the same for everyone, let’s explore situations to learn, "Is watching porn considered cheating?" and, if so, how to have a comfortable conversation on this topic with your partner.

is watching porn cheating

Is Watching Porn Cheating?

Deciding whether "is watching porn cheating" doesn't have a clear answer. It might not be considered cheating unless you and your partner have talked about it and agreed on your own rules. It's really up to you both to figure out what's okay for your healthy relationship or not.

Some people watch porn in private, which can potentially damage relationships, leading to feelings of betrayal and mistrust. On the other hand, some use porn as a way to increase their arousal and intimacy with their partner, which can be considered beneficial.

Nevertheless, it can be a good thing for a relationship if both partners agree to watch it together, which results in better communication about sex, trying new things, and feeling more comfortable in your sexual connection.

Deciding if watching porn is cheating is a completely personal thing that you share with your partner. Have an open and honest conversation with your partner with a couple therapist as your guide for free.

Why Do Some People Consider Viewing Porn Cheating?

Watching porn can be cheating for some people, especially if their partner is doing it secretly. It might make them feel left out of intimacy, as they're not part of the particular moment. If you find out your partner is keeping it a secret, it can lead to losing trust and the feeling that your partner doesn't value you enough to be genuine with you about "is watching porn in a relationship cheating.” Therefore, if watching porn replaces real intimacy or lacks clear boundaries, it might be seen as cheating.

In such situations, where one partner watches porn and the other partner doesn't like it, it could be seen as a form of cheating. Some people feel that it involves a type of intimacy or sexual involvement that should only happen within the confines of a relationship. The sentiment behind this is that engaging in sexual content outside the relationship, even if it's just viewing, can be seen as a violation of relationship boundaries.

Why Do Some People Consider Viewing Porn Cheating

When Can Watching Porn Become a Problem?

When one partner excessively watches porn for personal pleasure, it can cause problems in the relationship. If watching porn begins to take priority over your sex life (increased masturbation or the development of porn addiction), this becomes a significant concern. For some people, this excessive use of porn may also contribute to feelings of depression, low self-esteem, dissatisfaction, and loneliness.

Signs that watching porn is negatively affecting your relationship may include changes in sexual activities, expressions of affection, and the frequency of intimate moments. You might also notice changes in your partner's daily behavior, such as increased distraction and difficulty focusing on work or family responsibilities. Some other signs that porn is harming your relationship are shame, rejection, feelings of inadequacy, betrayal, symptoms of depression, and a compulsive watching pattern. All of these changes can be problematic if you feel neglected and lonely in the relationship.

When Can Watching Porn Become a Problem

What to Consider If Your Partner Watches Porn

Rather than criticizing "is watching porn cheating,” it is important to approach the topic with understanding, as using a judgmental perspective can create feelings of guilt and bitterness in the relationship and your partner may feel criticized.

However, identifying the underlying reasons for this behavior can benefit both of you by uncovering the deeper struggles your partner is facing and providing an opportunity for a more compassionate approach. Some people turn to pornography to satisfy unmet needs, such as relationship dissatisfaction, dealing with sexual addiction, sexual performance anxiety, satisfying curiosity, or learning new sexual acts.

Engaging in open and honest communication with your partner can create an environment where they feel comfortable expressing their needs and desires. Research shows that men who talked openly with their partners about “is watching porn cheating" reported that it made it easier to talk about sex. If both partners can openly discuss their motivations for viewing porn, it paves the way for setting new boundaries that bring the couple closer.

It is important for you not to shy away from sharing your insecurities and concerns and also setting mutually agreed-upon boundaries in the relationship.

What to Consider If Your Partner Watches Porn

How to Talk to Your Partner About Watching Porn

Discussing "Is watching porn cheating" with your partner can be sensitive, but open communication is key to understanding each other's perspectives and building mutual comfort. Here are some tips on how to lead the conversation:

1. Choose the right time and place

Pick a moment when you both can have an uninterrupted and relaxed conversation. Avoid bringing it up during an argument or in a public setting. Choosing the right time and place helps make your conversation better and more comfortable for both of you.

2. Express your feelings positively

Start the conversation by talking about how you feel about this act using the word "I." Share your feelings and worries without blaming each other. Make it clear that you're talking to understand each other better and make your connection stronger.

3. Be open to their perspective

Remember that people have different views on this topic. Be open to listening to your partner's thoughts and feelings without judgment and if necessary, suggest ways to cope with them. Understanding what they think is important for having a good and helpful conversation.

be open to their perspective

4. Discuss your boundaries

Talk openly about what you're comfortable with and your limits when it comes to watching porn. Understand what your partner is comfortable with, too. This conversation is an opportunity to establish mutual agreement on what is acceptable in your relationship.

5. Find the reasons behind watching porn

Try to understand why your partner watches porn. There can be many reasons for this, such as exploring fantasies, dealing with stress, or a lack of sexual satisfaction. Knowing the reasons can provide insights into your partner's mindset, allowing you both to work together to enhance intimacy.

6. Comfort each other

For a healthy relationship, try to comfort each other when talking about, is porn considered cheating. Tell your partner that you're committed to your relationship and the goal of talking about porn is to make your connection stronger and ensure both of you feel respected and valued. If your partner feels heard and understood, it will make the discussion about porn much easier for both of you.

If you and your partner are not able to talk with each other honestly and with complete confidence, connect with a couple counselor and navigate through this obstacle for free.

What to Do If You And Your Partner Disagree on Watching Porn

When you and your partner disagree on the issue of "is porn cheating,” resolving it depends on your personal feelings and the dynamics of your relationship. Instead of keeping it a secret, think of watching porn together as a way to connect on a more intimate level and remove the feeling of shame associated with the activity.

When you approach disagreements with open communication, empathy, and a willingness to understand each other's perspective, it can help you find a solution that respects both partners' boundaries and promotes a stronger relationship. It is important to create an atmosphere where it feels secure and constructive to discuss "is porn cheating" so that both of you can resolve the issue with respect and understanding.

Further, you can seek professional help from a couples therapist if the disagreement continues. Seeking help from experts is a positive step towards finding solutions and strengthening your relationship.

What to Do If You And Your Partner Disagree on Watching Porn

How Couples Therapy Can Help

If you and your partner are having disagreements about "is watching porn considered cheating?" Couples therapy can be incredibly beneficial. In therapy, you can learn healthy coping skills such as improved communication, conflict resolution, and new ways to enhance intimacy.

Moreover, the therapist can assist in understanding the nature and context of pornography use and whether watching porn in a relationship is cheating. In instances where couples are dealing with pornography use, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been identified as a primary intervention for behavioral change.

A therapist provides a space for each partner to express their wants and needs and facilitates a healthy compromise. Therapy plans may include ensuring both partners feel validated and that they want to put effort into the relationship. If your sexual life has been affected by porn, sex therapy, either individually or as a couple, can also be beneficial.

You can find the right couples counselor through an online platform such as Now&Me, where you can filter experts according to your needs. Now&Me is 24x7 available at a reasonable price, starting at just Rs. 30. You can simply download the Now&Me app and book the call at your convenience.

Before going to couples counseling, prepare to be on the same page about your reasons for attending and understand the results to make the process more comfortable and effective.

How Couples Therapy Can Help

Final Thoughts on Porn in Relationships

To understand if porn is considered cheating in a relationship requires open communication, understanding, and respect for each other's boundaries. It is important to recognize that people have different viewpoints on this topic, and what works for one couple may not work for another. Instead of demonizing porn, approach the topic with empathy and a desire to understand your partner's perspective.

Ultimately, the key lies in creating an environment where both partners feel validated and deliberate efforts are made to nurture the relationship. Whether through open discussion, couples therapy, or individual efforts, it is important to strike a balance that respects the needs of both partners for a healthy and fulfilling relationship.


  1. Perceived effects of pornography on the couple relationship: Initial findings of open-ended, participant-informed, “bottom-up” research. Archives of Sexual Behavior.

  2. The effects of pornography addiction on marital consent. Studia Canonica. 2010.

  3. Exploring the Relationships Between Pornography Consumption, Relationship Satisfaction, Relationship Beliefs, and Masculinity. PCOM Psychology Dissertations. 2017.

  4. Pornography and Couples: What Does the Research Tell Us? Contemporary Family Therapy: UMN. 2016.

  5. Me, you and porn: A common-fate analysis of pornography use and sexual satisfaction among married couples. ProQuest. 2014.

  6. The assessment and treatment of adult heterosexual men with self-perceived problematic pornography use: A review. Science Direct. 2018.

Now&Me articles are written by experienced mental health contributors and are purely based on scientific research and evidence-based practices, which are thoroughly reviewed by experts, including therapists and psychologists with various specialties, to ensure accuracy and alignment with current industry standards.

However, it is important to note that the information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Individual circumstances vary, and it is advisable to consult with a qualified mental health professional for personalized advice and guidance.

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