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Asking a weird question😂
But I feel I can ask it here on this platform
How can we know that we are actually in love with a person?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pacifier2819
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_

Wanderer @wanderer_

See, it varies for person and person

Wait I’ll drop a link

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_

Wanderer @wanderer_

like for me, i fell in love with my ex cause of the little things, the little gestures, bringing food for me, never missing walks, small small things,

being there for me and giving me space too,

love is not instant, it never is
it is a series of events after which one day you will wake up, and just feel that damn whatever i have been feeling all this time is love for her/him.

there is no defined moment, it just happens

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pacifier2819

life saviour @pacifier281...

If you are truly in love with a person, then you won’t feel like talking to any other person (nobody can replace this person if you are genuinely in true love no matter how hard other guys wants to try hands on you to date or to come in relationship) and u can’t get over with the person u love truly.

One relationship advice : love without conditions, accept the flaws which comes with the goodness of the person whom u love. Never give up!

This is my personal experience which I told u bcz I have someone whom I love truly n he loves me the same way I do

Take care


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