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Aeshiteiru @aeshi

Are there other Cancers on here? The star sign that is. I want to find people that are like minded that I can relate to.

People with the INFP personality type and those who are Enneagram Type 4 also work.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324
33 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324

no-one @ank2324

Cancerian ☝️.

Aeshiteiru @aeshi

Are you Cancerian then?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324

no-one @ank2324

Yes I am June end. How about you

Aeshiteiru @aeshi

July Cancer here.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324

no-one @ank2324

Over emotional? Over thinker? Trust easily get hurt easily?

Aeshiteiru @aeshi

Overemotional as well as an Overthinker. That last one is true to an extent.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324

no-one @ank2324

I hate over thinking but yeah. Rest I can easily live with.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324

no-one @ank2324

Ha ha ha ha. You know most of cancerians are same. In many things.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324

no-one @ank2324

June or July??

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Aeshiteiru @aeshi


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Aeshiteiru @aeshi

Not sure. I’m not really the best at initiating conversation. I wanted to have someone I could talk to about my emotions and how I process things. Someone that would know what that feels like and so, I figured finding other Cancers would be the best way to go.

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Aeshiteiru @aeshi

Very deeply. It’s worse this week because of a certain thing (if you know what i’m referring to) and I know that’s why i’ve been so annoyed with things this week but even on normal weeks, it feels like I get upset over things that others wouldn’t think is that big of a deal. I’m typically a happy go lucky person so I don’t get mad a lot but then when I do, it all just spills over if that makes sense.

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Aeshiteiru @aeshi

17. Will be 18 in a little over 5 months.

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SteadFast @steadfast


Aeshiteiru @aeshi


SteadFast @steadfast

Wanna share any thoughts?

Aeshiteiru @aeshi

I made this post so I could find other people that think and experience stuff the same way I do. People that will understand me. I process and see things differently from most people and I feel out of place because of it. Not just relating to what my sign is but when it comes to interests and things that mean a lot to me as well.

I often feel lonely because of it.

SteadFast @steadfast

I do go through the same experience of people not getting me because I see and do things differently. Sometimes I fail but yea… I don’t like doing it the conventional way be it anything. Idk why but I always feel like doing things differently and when I do things which are very usual I don’t feel good about myself.


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