Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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β€ΊSelf Loveβ€ΊThought

Sunshine @little_sunshine

Anyone who wants to rant or just want to share anything
Use this comment section to do it.
And remember to read the others too and give them suggestions so that you can also know what to do and maybe get clear about the situation.
And lastly a πŸ«‚ for everyone who is trying and fighting hard from their problems and is trying to overcome it.
I’m so proud of you bub.❀️❀️
You deserve the best of the best and don’t worry things might take longer but soon Everything is going to work out on your favour ⭐⭐
Keep going
Keep fighting 😘😘

5 replies

I’m dealing with the aftermath of a series of traumatic incidents.

Sunshine @little_sunshine


You want to talk more about it
And how are you dealing with it like any help or its just you are trying to overcome from it


Someone very dear to me, literally cut all ties with me over a simple confusion, no calls, no even a text. I may not be the best of people but i can say it out loud that i had always been there for that person. But now when I look back it feels like it never really mattered, I was nothings in the end. Just a stranger maybe.

Sunshine @little_sunshine


Same has happened with me so many times but I think its ok you know not everyone is going to be with you and its ok if such people are going from your life
Just remember to prioritise yourself first and not to do anything like fool for everyone


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