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Anyone else sailing in the same boat as me?
Last year, I went into counselling for anxiety, depression, stress and alcohol dependency. Few sessions in, I decided to stop receiving counselling because I started feeling like a victim. Not suggesting my counsellor made me feel like one but maybe because as Indians we are told to just ‘get on’ with whatever is happening… more like a social taboo thing…
Anyway, I lied to my counsellor🤥 saying, I’ve been feeling great and don’t need anymore help… but here I am on NowAndMe looking for help…

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I am so glad you found something that helps! 🤗
I understand we need to find something ourselves that will help us…
Unfortunately for me, I am not much of a reader, and work long hours…
I am yet to find what works best for me, suits my lifestyle, and keeps me sane…

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