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anxiety got me backpain and chest pain,and acidity …any one like me ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soulsoup
7 replies

Dude calm out yourself

Finch @imsoumya423

Anxiety got u acidity! Sorry?


yeah sista ,try to dig up some info how anxiety ruins your health :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soulsoup

_ @soulsoup

It’s absolutely possible , our body stores all kind of emotions and getting back pain(tired of being responsible always ), gut issues( anxiety leads to gut issue like acidity gas sometime chronic pain) , right shoulder pain clearly is a sign of ( frustration )


Thanks for understanding ♥️♥️♥️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soulsoup

_ @soulsoup

Trying Google some of the acupressure points to relieve these pressure. It’s works
Making a green dot middle of on your right palm will help you with ur stomach acidity issue.




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