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And in the parallel world where I’m an artist, I’d draw in two colors- black and white. But my artworks would depict the liveliest of things. Life, the sun, mother nature and what not. And with each artwork, I’d find myself becoming more alive. So I’d continue drawing to fill the hole in my heart. And on the day it’d be full, I’d find you. Would we have a β€œhappy ever after”? I do not know. But I do hope we would.
And in our world, the sky would be full of colors- all the shades there can possibly be- blues, pinks, purples and all the rest. The grass would be greener than anywhere and the trees would always be in full bloom. The wind would carry our love throughout the lands and we’d sleep on the softest grass. The bunnies and kittens would be the fluffiest beings on earth and we’d pat them like no tomorrow.
Oh how my life could be- if only- if only you’d exist.

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