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Am I a girl?

So I’m a M, for a really long time…I’ve been very much attracted to the idea of dressing up like a girl. I tried out dresses couple of times and really loved it. I told my friends about it and they were very supportive.

I realise I wanted to try the dress, because I wanted to feel like a girl. How I really be sure about my gender? I’m open to trying things but I don’t have a clue about what to explore?

3 replies

Anees Mushtaq @aneesmushta...

Try to accept what you are !


Maybe you just like how you look in such dresses…there must be other ways to know for sure .


You can try whatever you want but dont let anyone stop you. First you can try wearing dresses then go on to skirts etc. What I am saying is it is all up to you okay but try everything. You may question yourself and find answers that’s how you learn about yourself. Okay. All the best to you.


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