Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Sakshi @hereforconvo

Also , please suggest some positive, emotional light hearted shows/movies to watch ! Thankyou !
Need an escape from the negativity of This lockdown and the situation !
PS- Take care you all!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hereforaconvo
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratik180694
10 replies

Anoname @human_being

Pursuit Of Happyness is the best movie
You can watch a series like breath into the shadows etc.

Sakshi @hereforconvo

Okay Thank you!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hereforaconvo

hello username twin!! 😂😂

Sakshi @hereforconvo

Ahaha hiiii

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratik180694

Pratik @pratik180694

Hey there.

Please do watch “Forrest Gump”. Perspective towards life will change! 😇

Sakshi @hereforconvo

Thankyou! ❤


You can watch eat pray love, dear zindagi and forrest gump. These are all feel good movies.


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