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Profile picture for Now&Me member @gouri_

Gouree Gupta @gouri_

All of the biggest decisions of your life will begin with the same question: “Can I really do this?” Don’t look outside yourself for the answer. What does your heart tell you? What wisdom emerges from that quiet voice deep within? What direction is your inner guidance system pointing you towards? How does it make you feel? Don’t wait for validation from the outside world to confirm what you already know deep inside. Trust your intuition to guide your next step. You know so much more than you think. You hold more power than you realize. You already know what you must do because you hear the words echoing in your heart. Do you want to carve out your own path? To create your own story? To do something you’ve never done before? Then don’t be afraid of the wealth of wisdom that flows through every cell of your being. You have the answers. You possess the understanding. You just have to trust yourself.

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