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Admitting you need help is REALLY fucking hard. Accepting help is even harder.

4 replies

Jahnvi Kumar @jahnvikumar

It is hard. It is also brave and liberating. Kudos to anyone who has been able to accept that they need help, admit to it and seek it. You are strong and you will get through it.


once accepted it shows your strength and once overcome it makes you stronger!

Khushboo @khushboo

We all should be strong enough to sort out our problems ourselves. Avoid to take help as much as you can. But once you are tired, then you should ask for help and accept that. 
Make success your only motivation in life and work hard. 
We will love to see you again here.

Deepanshi @deepanshigupta0

It is for sure hard.But it is also brave and once accepted it shows your strength . We are social animal and even after being independent we often need help from others and at many times it became difficult to seek help from others. But helping those who are in need is a good cause and we should help others and should make a better world.


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