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Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

🌼 7-Day Happiness Challenge 🌼

If you’re happy and you know it, share with us!

Hey Fam! 👋

Hope your day was as bright as the sun!

“To be happy you must be your own sunshine”. Sunshine here refers to forms of happiness. Thus, this saying is partially true as sunshine also exists in other forms - in the people around us.

There are some people that are the light of our lives and are like that ray of hope when times are dark. 💫

Day 5 of our Ongoing Happiness Challenge is about those people who act like Sunshine in our lives.

Sometimes, we have to look around us and recognise the people who are the sunshine of our lives. 🌞

The 7-Day Happiness Challenge

In our quest to find happiness, we often overlook the little things in life which can bring us joy. The motive of this challenge is to look for happiness in every corner!

Day 5- Sunshine ☀️

People who bring us happiness are forms of Sunshine.

Challenge: Tell us about 3 people who are a constant source of happiness in your life. It can be anyone, your parents, a friend or even your pet!

Share now in the comments down below! 🧡

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn
Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyakaurbajaj
Profile picture for Now&Me member @_sreya_
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Such friends are definitely keepers! Pets and family are constant sources of sunshine, no matter what ❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_sreya_

sreya @_sreya_

Yes ❤️


1- my best friend , whom I share everything and she shares everything with me . She brings me loads of sunshine
2 - my parents , even after loads of fights or arguments this bond is always special
3 - my two dogs , I am extremely attached to them and they just lighten my mood and bring that happiness.

Great work keep it up 😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

That’s so sweet. Such bonds are truly one of a kind. And especially our bonds with our pets, they’re a different kind of love! Thank you for sharing ❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

My three people are- my parents, my best friend and my dog. Can’t do without them 🤗❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn

Ana Banach @johnthejohn

1 - My best friends. I have three, and they always hand me an umbrella when the rain starts. Actually, that’s a bad metaphor - we never hide from the rain.
2 - My fourth grade teacher. Though I have since left her class, she was the only teacher I had that understood me. All of my teacher has a sense of awareness that I was gifted and weird, but she’s the only one that related and embraced it.
3 - Paper. I don’t know if that counts, but it’s as close to a person as you can get. When I feel really any emotion that isn’t content, I turn to one of my many notebooks and write.


Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Wow… how different yet relatable! Thank you for sharing 🌸

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn

Ana Banach @johnthejohn


Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyakaurbajaj

Piya @piyakaurbajaj

1. My mom: Being a single mother, I know the kind of effort it takes in for her to be there for me. I am so grateful for it. Being in a different country it is sometimes tough to keep in touch but just 5 minutes seeing her face on video call, my whole day lightens up.

2. My brother: Seeing the innocent side of a 10 year old and the wonder in his eyes, it is happiness like i have never known before,

3. my bestfriend: Chatting with her, knowing that I can be myself unapologetically with her is truly precious!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Such precious relationships are what life is truly about ❤️


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