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Long Distance RelationshipThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shaleen

Murabba Films @shaleen

5years ago I took a leap of faith and started a relationship with my friend. After 3 years of LDR and 2 years of CDR (close distance relationship) it feels like. The relationship has been changed. The bond is fading. When I was out for study I embraced everything about our relationship and now that he is back he says to other people that he is single. Even though he posts pictures with on social media platforms but I don’t know why is he doing such things.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shaleen
6 replies

There might be some reason behind it, May be just speak to him about it
At the same time if he’s not admitting it doesn’t make sense to me, if he’s not in a position to introduce you to people trust me not a worthy relationship.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shaleen

Murabba Films @shaleen

He only told me about this yesterday and he was quite casual about it.

Your ❤️ Choice @your_choic...

Relationship is like drugs first you enjoy it then it becomes a habit … then we don’t wanna be in it but we can’t get out of it because we become addicted of it simple

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shaleen

Murabba Films @shaleen

True 5 years was hunky Dory but this year is getting tougher

Your ❤️ Choice @your_choic...

I think in the current environment loving someone genuinely is really hard because of lot of reasons like social media now social media is really a big addiction among youths … and now a person can easily spend 24 hours on Instagram without breaks … how come he or she will get time to give his partner … it’s really critical situation because we can’t trust anyone especially our partners …so it’s better to control your emotions let things go … rejection is sometime way more beautiful then acceptance

Denver @denver07

This happens after a certain time can’t describe fully here but this is natural due to some reason


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