you’re so confused with lust and love but because i actually do love you, i’ll stay.
Guys who only are into lust say this everytime. You don’t need to clarify the love.
he’s really confusing because i know he’s here for lust and even though i love him i told him i wouldn’t be just sex to him so i left (this was a while ago) and i started to talk to someone to try to forget him but he didnt seem to like that. he practically begged told me he loved me and didn’t wanna see me with anyone else so of course like a dumbass, i went back. now i’m in the exact same spot as i was before, just sex.
you’re right
Leaving must be hard but always priorities yourself. Why not spend this time trying to find someone better(if you are looking for) then wasting your time, and yourself into this person. Lust is so freaking annoying, and believe me people like that will never change, been there. Else do what makes your heart happy :)