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Profile picture for Now&Me member @its_jashu

JaY @its_jashu

-You love her ?
-How much?
-Enough to let her be happy with another…!

Tooks me an whole year to convince she not with me anymore…! But not a single day disturbed her after knowing she’s with another…!

Suffered in silence 😕😢

Profile picture for Now&Me member @cess
Profile picture for Now&Me member @naina_si
Profile picture for Now&Me member @its_jashu
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @cess

Jaiga Cess @cess

We need to accept what happens daily and why it happens.
Me too, every time I saw her FB profile. he is now happy, that’s my reality now that I need to accept.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @its_jashu

JaY @its_jashu

Yes !

Profile picture for Now&Me member @naina_si

NAINA @naina_si

If something hurts let it hurt …
Hurt has it’s time it will pain untill the time is over you can’t run u need to accept it . god bless u

shikhar @rahulnath

Some time we need to leave some things which are not Good for us and are painful

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Dhiraj Ram @dhirajram



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