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Brinzo @brinzo

You know what gives a stinging type of sadness? The one where your eyes are filled with tears but you’re not crying? One sided love.
Love might be too strong an emotion. I like a guy but he doesn’t like me back. I mean, obviously since he forgot to wish me on my birthday last year and wished me on snapchat this year. (And we’ve know each other for 3 or 4 yrs? I’m not sure) Most days it’s easy to not mind this as he doesn’t cross my mind much. But the times when he does, there’s sadness left behind and I don’t recover for a while. God, I’m such loser at love.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @enlightenment
6 replies

sadika mistry @sadika_25

You are not a loser at love just that you should go with the flow


loving is hard and i believe if you truly do love him, at some point, he’ll realize that you are the one for him. he’ll realize how much you’ve loved and cared for him all along. but are you sure you want this? for someone to love you only when they need something? ive been in this situation and my only advice is move on dear and chase other dreams. I know its hard but trust me on this one and follow your dreams. DON’T LET A DUDE STOP YOU AT A POINT INSTEAD OF MOVING TOWARDS SUCCESS but whatever choice you make is yours and ill be here for you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @enlightenment

Saviour @enlightenment

Same story, I love a girl, my classmate, she doesn’t know it, but I get ignored by her at premium level. We can’t force someone to love us. No matter how pure our love is. It’s a tough pill to digest. So I’m just trying to give her a reason to love me. Even though I’m desperately failing cuz love thing is something I used to stay away from.

Brinzo @brinzo

So true!


Let me tell you my story, had a crush on a guy for 4 yrs, finally started a relationship with him, turns out the worst guy and worst relationship, very bad break up, point is we romanticize one sided love too much and create an image of the person which in reality might not be true, so dont make it more than it is, and dont create an image of the guy without knowing him, if you can first become friends and then think of a relationship, and even if you cant there are many more nice guys out there…good luck

Brinzo @brinzo

That is the reason why I use to stop myself from asking him out. I thought that he would be obliged to say yes and wouldn’t feel a thing for me. A recipe for disaster, tbh


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