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Akshara @akshu223

You know people say that college life is the best life, but i like myself more now. I am 22, i feel more confident and independent. Maybe this is because i just started out in real world and after few years maybe i will also start complaining. But right now i like being an adult.
I wondor what my 30s will be like. Maybe more confident and self assured.
I hope so

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495
3 replies

That is amazing
I am happy for you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495

Pankaj Kumar @crazyguy3495

It is all about perception na someone like there college life someone like childhood but no one talk about present so im glad your life is going good look present is most beautiful time no matter if it is struggles or happy one time present is most beautiful thing


So glad to to hear that! Happy for you!! Good luck in your college and I’m wishing a very bright future of you!


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