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3am ThoughtsThought

B T @bt1510

You invest everything in a relationship from last 22 months, even get engaged but your partner always is peaky on you for smallest issue or conversation, easily gives up on you and out of ego stops talking despite own mistakes and if you don’t convince, it’s quits and deletes you from social media, I have adjusted plenty of time but each time only I have to adjust else it’s over, how does this sounds?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @amol
17 replies

How does your partner have your social media account and password? Thats kinda toxic

B T @bt1510

I mean from own social media, not mine, relationship status back to single… which means it’s over


Did this person changed suddenly or it’s just a time that made you finally see who this person really is. His character wasn’t a problem for you in the past but now it is so maybe you changed. Maybe you don’t want this person any more and that’s completely normal. Try to tell him your feelings perhaps it will end up a break up but remember it’s better to do this before it’s too late. For example when you will be married and have children.

B T @bt1510

I was ignoring red flags to see good in this person, but lately when I see on all my important events this person picks up fight on silly things and sets strong bar of ego and avoid conversation, now it feels frustrating, that is this relationship means nothing to opposite person?


So maybe you should take a break or if you know for sure nothing will change break up with her.

B T @bt1510

Thanks, It’s wait and watch from my end

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B T @bt1510

Thanks dear 😘

B T @bt1510

God bless you!! 😘🙏


Thank you, you too. You can always write to me if you have anymore problems.

B T @bt1510

I am new here, just joined today, sorry I don’t knw how?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @amol

Harasees Kaur @amol

Exactly my last relationship …. Ended up by me still begging for 6-7 months after he broke up, but later on found he was cheating all time long…. 2 years and this is what I got… so my personal advice is run while u still can! Start working on yourself :)

B T @bt1510

Thanks for sharing that, this person is loyal but damn egoistic, and plenty of time emotionally unavailable.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @amol

Harasees Kaur @amol

I completely get it. The loyalty is what makes u want to stick around. Trust me, My ex was the same! I still beg him to come back (from the woman he cheated on me with) and call him and text him even after 6 months of breakup! But tell me this, do u see yourself happy with this narcissistic in the future? I know it’s hard, I completely get it, but please don’t make the same mistake I made by sticking around. It’s gonna hurt even worse when he is the one who will end it. Please make the right decision.

B T @bt1510

That’s the problem, tbh, my heart and mind are at war, knowing the fact, my hearts say wait and mind says it’s enough, also sorry you faced all this, why are people so insensitive, but I am sure you have larger heart and kind.


That you are heading for an immature person. Please break away from such abuse and toxicity.
All the best. Take care

B T @bt1510

Thanks for sharing, I agree this person is kidish, cares about everything else but solid relationship.


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