Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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3am ThoughtsThought


Yesterday night was so hard for me i literally had to cry my self to sleep …it was one of the worst …i was overthinking too much bt i also can’t share my feelings to anyone …ughhh😩

Profile picture for Now&Me member @harsh91
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @harsh91

Harsh @harsh91

keeping things inside is tough, if you can’t share it with any person you can write it in a journal, it might help


Ive actually tried n i try to keep a journal bt i cant write in it daily i write once in a month i tried in past to write daily bt daily journal isnt really for me though

Profile picture for Now&Me member @harsh91

Harsh @harsh91

yea you don’t have to do it daily, do it when you feel like you have something to share but you can’t do it with any person


Yes i do that bt i dont do daily yaa

Happy456 @happy456

What happened?


Some overthinking just same old stuff


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