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Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_

Yay… I’m back again… I don’t know if anyone remembers me since it’s been 3 months but I guess I’m back. I’m falling back into that state of mind again :/ I don’t know how to feel about it. I just broke up with my (now ex) bf, and I feel as if I got emotionally attached again. I broke up for good reasons, and the way he reacted also should be enough for me to let go… but I got attached. I’m feeling lonely again. No one to talk to… no one to spend time with. F*ck, why am I made like this. I don’t want to be attached to people. Just let me ignore everyone and not feel a single thing.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_
Profile picture for Now&Me member @unfilledbeermug
16 replies

Well…over commitment is a common mistake…same thing happened to me…got too attached to this girl…she just randomly stopped texting one day and threw away 1.5 years of relationship like that…not even a breakup text…so I can understand what u r feeling…but it ends up being just fine with time…time will heal it all…u just gotta try moving on…talk to new people…the more u fixate on him…the more it gonna hurt… speaking out of experience…u can talk to me if u want…i know just the way to help u overcome this😅

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_

I would like that very much! Thank you

Nikhil Mishra @deadaccccc

Just dropped u a connect request


Ooo hi I remember you🙋‍♂️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_

Hi! You’re anonymous so I don’t know if we’ve talked but glad you remember me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @unfilledbeermug

idk @unfilledbeermug

How are you doing?😁

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_

Ooh! It’s you!!! Hi! I’m better than yesterday, what about you? 😁


Girls just want to move on to next better person. And that’s okay but They never feel geniune loneliness.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_

And why is that if I may ask?


Cry babies. Always looking for comfort, attention and admiration from people. And pretend to be lonely while talking with someone everyday or finding their another person.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_

Some of them. But not all, some actually don’t have anyone to talk to, some actually feel lonely. I’m sorry if it happened to you, if they lied to you or something but do not say all of them are cry babies. Also cry babies aren’t bad, they’re just someone who express their emotions easier than others. Yes, they might want comfort, attention and everything, but isn’t that what everyone wants deep down? To be held by someone they love? I do not care wether it’s a guy or a girl that says they want to feel some type of affection, and neither should you. Which means you shouldn’t judge those kind of girls wether it’s from past experience or from what you’ve heard.


Maybe 1% will be different but rest 99% are same.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_



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