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Suicidal IdeationThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Olivia @honestly

ya’ll know I’ve been honest with all my post cause my username is @honestly but today is gonna be my last post and all tell you why. from 2017 to 2021 as far as I can remember living in a group home their was always a favourite kid and it wasn’t me kinda like how everyone has a favourite candy they like to eat I just wasn’t one of those favourite candy’s. every new girl that stepped into the house was treated like a favourite and I always wondered why. I got upset when everyone was more liked than me so I tried to be more like them. the staff keep saying I’ve been here the longest but that doesn’t mean sh**. I lost my two greatest friend’s because I bullied one of them and called a b**** to my other friend. I keep telling myself I’m glad I changed I wasn’t the same person I was before but now I see it all to clearly I am wrong their is no place for me in this world anymore. the only people that love me are my parents the one’s that lie to me. the one who makes me get anxiety attacks my brother who threatens the people I love i’m done I just wanna die whatever my purpose was was amazing but life itself outside of that is horrible and cruel and I know that but this pain is too much to bare goodbye.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chnrv
14 replies

Are you there???


I’m sorry that you’re going through such a low time but please, DO NOT take this drastic step. PLEASE. I know it seems unbearable but time heals everything, trust me, this is a PHASE and no more. It WILL pass and you’ll look back at this time to be your greatest teacher. I also want to say that there’s people in this world that love you. They might not show it, but please PLEASE trust me, they do. We all love you. YOU matter. Please do not do this to yourself. Set a target for yourself to be a role model for your children that you might someday have, they will know how big a fighter their mom/dad is. Please please please do not take this step. It WILL get better I promise, even though that seems impossible right now, you must know that once you hit the rock bottom there’s no possibility of descent. This is the rockbottom. From now on it’s only onwards and upwards :) I hope you feel better and you can speak to us whenever you’d want.

I’ll even mention some suicide prevention helpline numbers. If you feel comfortable talking to them, please do check them out once.

AASRA- +91 9820466726
Fortis Stress Helpline: +918376804102

And just remember, we all love you :)


Should we connect to someone known to her?
I bit scared…


How can we do that?

MM @monkeymind


Her insta Id and you can go to her follower list not following… There’s some girl by Kelisha I don’t know if she know her personally but they are mutuals… So we can try messaging her…
I’m bit nervous else I would have messaged… 🙃

MM @monkeymind

And I got her insta id from her past posts…

MM @monkeymind

Please do something… I’m really afraid 🙃🙏

MM @monkeymind

Are you trying to connect? 😅


Bro I aint on Instagram but if you are, please message her directly telling her that IT WILL GET BETTER


And that she’s not a quitter. She’s strong and we believe she WILL get out of it.

MM @monkeymind

Ohkkk 🙏

MM @monkeymind

Great I messaged her sister and she thinks I’m some fraudster… 😞
Now I’m bit nervous abt all this… 😓

MM @monkeymind

Even scared… 🙃
If they thought I’m the one who had done something… 🙃

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chnrv

chnrv @chnrv


Just calm down, you are your master of your life! You can change it!! I can guarantee that if you take proper decisions, you can enjoy your life to the fullest and never regret those decisions man, just calm down and call someone you love so they can confront you…


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